Skillbuilder:Problem Solving

The World of Soft Robotics: Revolutionizing Movement & Medicine

Effort: 10 minutes

+10 Points


(1) $100 e-gift card

Soft robotics is a groundbreaking field that blends biology and technology to create robots that can bend, stretch, and move like living organisms. These robots, often made from flexible materials like silicone, are designed to perform tasks that traditional hard-bodied robots struggle with, such as navigating tight spaces, mimicking human muscles, or handling delicate objects without causing damage. Soft robots can be used in various fields like medicine, rescue missions, and even space exploration.

Your Task:
Imagine a soft robot designed to solve a real-world problem, whether it’s helping doctors perform surgery, rescuing people in dangerous situations, or working in extreme environments like underwater or space. It could even be an issue in your own life that you frequently encounter. What would your soft robot look like? How would it move? What problem would it solve? Write a short description of your soft robot’s design and purpose, and create a simple sketch to show how it would function.

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