Skillbuilder:Problem Solving

The Not-So-Secret Secret Questions

Effort: 10 minutes

+10 Points


(1) $100 e-gift card

Have you ever tried to reset a password and been asked a “secret question” like:
🔹 What is your mother’s maiden name?
🔹 What was the name of your first pet?
🔹 Where did you go to high school?

These questions are meant to help you verify your identity, but there’s a big problem—most of these answers aren’t actually secret! With a little searching, hackers can find this information on social media, public records, or even by guessing. That means your account isn’t as safe as you think.

So how do you keep your accounts secure? Instead of answering these questions truthfully, you can come up with creative, hard-to-guess answers that only you would know. Let’s put that skill to the test!

Look at these common secret questions:

What is your favorite movie?
What city were you born in?
What is your first car’s make and model?

Instead of answering truthfully, come up with clever responses that no one could guess, but that you are also sure to remember. Make up your own questions, list your (fake) answers and then explain why they are unique, yet memorable to you.

For example:
Question: What is your favorite movie?
Response: 45cinatiT

Question: What city were you born in?
Response: 15ytiCkroYweN

Question: What is your favorite car’s make and model?
Response: 375civiCadnoH

Explanation: A favorite number, then the answer written backwards.

What other ideas do you have for creating a memorable password that hackers can't guess or Google to find out? This one used a favorite number and backwards spelling, what's your idea?

Interested in more ways to stay safe online, and especially on social media, join the KnoPro Behind the Screen: AI, Cybersecurity, and Social Media Challenge for a chance to win big $$$!

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